Description #
This unit provides an essential framework and some fundamental principles of acute initial assessment and management of emergency cases in inter-professional environment (i.e. team work).
To achieve these principles, healthcare providers are required to know the guidelines of ACLS, ATLS primary and secondary survey and CRM key points.
The unit will be organized into 2 phases, moving from purely cognitive understanding to progressively more psychomotor coordination and skill acquisition.
1-Cognitive phase: Pre-course reading materials to include guidelines, indications, contraindications and complications.
2-Psychomotor phase: Human Patient Simulator and simulation scenarios. The learner must now how to manage the resuscitation of a critically ill patient in parallel with clinical decision-making, team leadership, and appropriate timing of the procedure during real-time patient encounters
Learning Objectives #
By the end of the module, the learner will be able to:
- Understand communication skills during the application of ACLS and ATLS
- Be confident working within a team
- Understand the ATLS primary and secondary survey; ACLS guide lines and CRM key points.
Material Resources: #
Please click below to access the course material: