Description #
In the operating room, nurses often have to assist the anesthesiologist in securing the patient’s airway. Ability to maintain a clear airway with a mask is very useful. Knowledge of basic equipment that the anesthesiologist may require is important. Students will be introduced to a self-inflating bag, oxygen supply, oropharyngeal airway, laryngeal airway, laryngoscope and endotracheal tubes. They will learn how to assist the anesthesiologist. They will learn how to correctly apply a facemask on a patient and how to keep a clear airway when doing so.
Learning Objectives #
At the conclusion of the course, the students will be able to
- Correctly apply a face mask to a patient’s face
- Do a chin lift and jaw thrust
- Ventilate a patient using a self-inflating bag
- Correctly attach oxygen tubing to a self-inflating bag
- Identify an oropharyngeal airway
- Insert an oropharyngeal airway
- Identify a laryngeal mask airway
- Identify a laryngoscope
- Identify an endotracheal tube
- Identify a laryngeal mask airway
Chin Lift
Jaw Thrust
Laryngeal Mask
Oral Airway Sizing
Oral Airway Insertion