Description #
This unit is designed to teach the student to evaluate airway anatomy to identify potential problems with protecting, providing, and maintaining a patent airway during anesthesia.
Learning Objectives #
Upon completion of this unit you will be able to:
- 1. Understand the rationale for performing a preoperative airway assessment
- 2. Outline features on the anesthetic history and chart review that address the airway and signify airway concerns
- 3. Identify the physical characteristics that suggest a patient might be difficult to ventilate
- 4. Divide physical assessment of the airway into 3 categories, itemize the features sought and implications of abnormal findings in each category: i) Mobility of the TMJ and cervical spine ii) Mouth opening iii) Thyromental distance
- 5. Describe the anatomical causes of a difficult airway in each of the 3 categories above (i.e. prognathia and retrognathia)
- 6. Describe pathological causes of a difficult airway (i.e. rheumatoid arthritis)
- 7. Elaborate on the importance and rationale for atlanto-occipital joint extension assessment
- 8. Describe the Mallampati classification
- 9. Understand the correlation between thyromental distance and anterior glottis
- 10.Describe the upper lip bite test and elaborate on the significance of this test