Medical Expert, the central physician competency integrating with all other competencies, represents the cornerstone of physician identity, defines scope of practice and encompasses the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes for a clinical decision maker providing high quality and safe patient-centered care. Medical Expert involves integration of the foundational sciences and other knowledge into patient and family centered care.
1. Practice medicine within the scope of generalism as an undifferentiated generalist physician.
1.1 Demonstrate commitment to quality patient care.
1.2 Apply knowledge from the clinical, biomedical and social/behavioral sciences in acute and chronic health challenges across the age spectrum.
1.3 Provide all care in the context of each patient’s determinants of health.
1.4 Perform safe, sensitive and timely clinical assessments with recommendations presented in an organized manner.
1.5 Deliver clinical responsibilities in the face of competing demands.
1.6 Recognize and respond appropriately to the complexity, uncertainty, and change in medicine.
1.7 Demonstrate an understanding of longitudinal care to patients and families in the management of their health challenges.
2. Perform a patient and family-centered clinical assessment, formulate a diagnosis, create and implement a management plan.
2.1 Identify and prioritize issues to be addressed in each encounter.
2.2 Elicit a relevant, concise history and perform a complete or focused accurate physical and/or mental health examination as appropriate to the patient context and clinical presentation.
2.3 Deliver a prioritized relevant differential diagnosis for each patient clinical presentation.
2.4 Select and interpret appropriate cost-effective interventions for the management, prevention and health promotion in patient care.
2.5 Establish goals of care in collaboration with other health professionals, patients and their families to optimize outcomes.
2.6 Develop an effective and appropriate patient-centered management plan.
2.7 Participate effectively in patient and family-centered care, valuing each patient’s and family’s unique needs.
3. Plan and perform procedures and therapies for the purpose of patient management.
3.1 Determine appropriate procedures or therapies for a patient’s care.
3.2 Participate in obtaining and documenting informed consent (including risks, benefits and rationale) for a proposed procedure or therapy.
3.3 Discuss and participate in prioritizing a procedure or therapy, considering clinical urgency and available resources.
3.4 Perform a designated procedure in a skillful and safe manner at the level of an undifferentiated physician, adapting to findings and changing clinical circumstances.
3.5 Demonstrate effective documentation of a procedure or therapy recommended or delivered to a patient.
4. Formulate and implement plans for ongoing patient care and when appropriate seek timely consultation.
4.1 Formulate and assist in implementing a comprehensive patient-centered care plan.
4.2 Perform timely follow-up on all inquiries, investigations, outcomes and suggest consultation or intervention where appropriate.
5. Actively contribute as a member of a team providing care, to the continuous improvement of health care quality and patient safety.
5.1 Recognize and respond to patient safety incidents arising in health care.
5.2 Understand the principles of and contribute to patient safety and quality improvement through human and system factors.
5.3 Participate in a disclosure of adverse events to patients, families, caregivers with other health professionals.